[JAVASCRIPT] What is the difference between let, var, const, and where to use it.


2 min read

let /const

Scope: let and const have block scope which means they are accessible within the block in which they are declared

Reassignment: let can be reassigned with a new value but in terms of const it cannot be reassigned once declare

function letConstEx(){
 let x = 5
 const y =6
     let z = 6;
     console.log(x)// able to get value of its block scope is start of the fucntion still end
 console.log(z) // ReferenceError: z is not defined as its block scope is if condition


Scope: It has a functional scope which means they are accessible within the function where they are declared

Reassignment: the Value of var can be declared again and again inside the same function.

function even() {
    var x = 2; // declare inside a  even function
    var y = 3;
    if(x ===2 ){
        var x = 5//  reassignment of var
        console.log(x)// able to get the value 

In general, it's recommended to use const for values that are not meant to be reassigned, and let for values that are meant to change. var should be avoided in modern JavaScript.

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